Friday, November 5, 2010

porturate. nov.6

1) Too edit this photo, I used adjusted the levels.

2) I changed it to Monochrome.

3) I used healing brush and clean up her face a bit.

4) On layers, I copied the background.

5) Added Surface Blur

6) Erased all Surface blur, except skin.

halloween spread. nov.6

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

rule of thirds. nov.3

Rule of thirds is all about composing a story using a picture. In our example the photographer aimed his focus on the logg fence, making the person and barn hitting the point wich made the photo make sence. Using this affect where you focus on an object and you subject in the background is a ver nice way to create a story.
In our seccond photo the photographer did a fantastic job at capturing the mountains, along with the water and dock. It is a perfect scene shot and it is pulled together nicely. He used rule of thirds to have a main focus on the mountains it seems, the dock and water are hitting rules of thirds.
On the third picture the photographer used his main focus, the bird and the man, as the story teller. The people viewing were blurred out wich created the subject more dramastic. rule of thirds hit the bird, the man, and the viewers. I like this photo best, it really captures a story.

Monday, November 1, 2010

question. nov. 1

What is not one of Mr.Tonn's 4 "r's"?
a) Redo
b) Repeat

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

book cover. oct.26

I made two book covers that were both different and in the end i combinded all of them to make my favorite of the two, the finished product is the top one. I wasn't quite sure what would be best for this assignment to i posted all of the different covers i made on the one topic, wich was SAW the movie.

Friday, October 8, 2010

september lights. oct.8

In this  assignment i used the september sun and the fall tree inorder to create this effect where the sun comes through the leaves. After i was done photographing the pictures i chose the best one, then i uploaded the photo to photoshop and began working on it. I duplicated my layers so that i could make the tree trunk darker without destroying the color of my leaves. I also used the burn and dodge tool to create a more 'life like' affect. The photo in wich you see is my finished product..

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

layers. sep.21

This assignment was about using layers to create a more dramatic picture, without the fake colours that come into the picture during the editing process. Using the dodge and burn tool emphasizes some parts of the picture and make others less noticable and more bright, for example, brightening the lower half of the picture to draw more attention to the dark mountains and sky.

duotone. sept.21

This assignment was an example of using the quick mask mode tool. The reason why quick mask mode was used is to help clear attention to the foreground. This is done by softening the background to draw the attention towards the foreground, and the part of the picture most ideal for visualizing. The duotone colour was also edited into the image to create a better mood and a warmer picture than just black and white.

leading lines. sep.21

This assingment was an example of using leading lines, to indicate to the viewer that the lines are contrasted into the main focus of the picture, which is the person with the red circle over them.